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Auto Insurance in and around Foster City

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Your Auto Insurance Search Is Over

We all have a usual routine for everyday life. We drive to book clubs, lunch meetings, violin lessons, and baseball practice. We go from one thing to the next and back again, almost automatically… until the unexpected happens: things like wind storms, collisions, falling objects, and more.

Auto owners of Foster City, State Farm has you covered

Time to get a move on, safely.

Agent Nony Lukito Lim, At Your Service

But there are lots of ways to get where you are going and move from Point A to Point B. State Farm also offers insurance for canoes, dune buggies, kayaks, truck campers, and jet skis. Whatever you drive, State Farm has you covered in more ways than one with great savings options and attentive service. Plus, your coverage can be personalized, to include things like car rental insurance and rideshare insurance.

Auto coverage like this is what sets State Farm apart from the rest. State Farm is there whenever trouble finds you on the road to handle your claim promptly and reliably. State Farm has coverage options to get you wherever you are going from day to day.

Simple Insights®

Buying an electric car

When looking to buy an electric car, what questions should you ask? We also provide information about charging units and the average cost to charge each year.

How likely are you to have an animal collision?

What can you do to avoid hitting animals when driving? This animal collision study from State Farm ranks states by the chance potential drivers had of hitting an animal.

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Nony Lukito-Lim

Nony Lukito-Lim

State Farm® Insurance Agent
Office Address:
303 Vintage Park
Suite 200
Foster City, CA 94404-1170
Map & Directions

Would you like to create a personalized auto quote?

Profile photo of a State Farm Agent named: Nony Lukito-Lim

Nony Lukito-Lim

State Farm® Insurance Agent
Office Address:
303 Vintage Park
Suite 200
Foster City, CA 94404-1170
Map & Directions

Simple Insights®

Buying an electric car

When looking to buy an electric car, what questions should you ask? We also provide information about charging units and the average cost to charge each year.

How likely are you to have an animal collision?

What can you do to avoid hitting animals when driving? This animal collision study from State Farm ranks states by the chance potential drivers had of hitting an animal.